
Help Ahead

We want to connect you with the help you need as efficiently and as quickly as possible.

We are an up-to-date resource and Toronto’s centralized intake phone line for multiple trusted community-based mental health agencies who have the expertise to meet diverse needs.

Meet our Partner Agenciesarrow

Connect to ongoing and longer-term support

As the front door to many mental health agencies, we know the options out there and can help match you to an agency in your community. We’ll do the initial intake with you and connect with the agency to make sure you are on the path to accessing regular, ongoing support through their programs and services.

Our partnered community mental health agencies

Our trusted network of partnered community-based mental agencies and practitioners have the expertise and experience to meet the diverse needs of children, youth and their families across Toronto.


Abiona Centre is a client-centred infant and early childhood mental health organization which supports pregnant and parenting adolescents, aged 13 – 25.

Boost supports children and youth in their recovery from traumatic events. By working together with other agencies, Boost offers a personalized response to every child who has experienced abuse or violence.

Services offered include:

  • Assessment directed therapy for children and youth aged 4 to 17 living in Central Toronto and North York
  • Court support programs for children and youth aged 3 to 17 living in Toronto and the central Ontario region

Breakaway provides harm reduction services and addictions treatment for youth with substance use issues. Breakaway is committed to providing treatment options that address all aspects of clients’ lives.

Services offered include:

  • Outpatient support programs for family and youth aged 12 to 25 living in Toronto and the GTA
  • Addiction supportive housing programs for youth 16 and older living in Toronto and the GTA

Caribbean African Canadian (CAFCAN) Social Services supports African and Caribbean Canadian children, youth and families with culturally sensitive services and programs.

Services offered include:

  • Youth Outreach Worker (YOW) program for at-risk and high-risk youth
  • Stop Now And Plan (SNAP) intervention program for children aged 6 to 11 who have disruptive behaviour problems
  • Support and programs for women and families who have experienced violence

A community-based children’s mental health centre that provides supports and programs for many of the city’s most vulnerable youth.

Services offered include:

  • Counselling for youth aged 12 to 17
  • LGBT2SQ programs for youth aged 13 to 24
  • Youth justice programs available through court referrals

A nonprofit that offers a wide range of services to Francophones in the GTA.

Services offered include:

  • French-language counselling for children and youth from birth to 17

A children’s mental health agency that offers evidence-based programs for children, youth and their families.

Services offered include:

  • Early intervention programs
  • Family violence programs
  • Family and community counselling

The Children’s Aid Society of Toronto offers a wide range of child protection services to children and youth in Toronto from birth to age 18.

Services offered include:

  • Youth services
  • Kinship services
  • Adoption services

A children’s mental health centre that supports infants, children, youth and their families to achieve mental wellness.

Services offered include:

  • Prevention and early invention programs
  • Speech and language services
  • Counselling and psychiatric consultations

A youth mental health centre that supports Toronto youth aged 11 to 17 who are experiencing psychological, behavioural, or academic challenges.

Services offered include:

  • Day treatment programs for middle-school and high-school students living in Toronto

A centre that offers a wide range of programs and supports to nurture the healthy development of pregnant youth and young mothers and their children. Services are offered to pregnant and parenting youth under 19 living in Toronto.

Services offered include:

  • Counselling and case management
  • Housing support
  • Parenting groups

A multi-service agency that supports children, youth, families and communities by improving mental health and wellness and reducing the effects of poverty. Services are offered to those living in the GTA and York Region.

Services offered include:

  • Child protection services
  • Case management for young people with ASD

Kennedy House offers residential and community-based programs for youth in Toronto and eastern Ontario.

Services offered include:

  • Day treatment
  • After-school programs for children and youth aged 4 to 13
  • Shelter for youth aged 16 to 24

LOFT supports people facing mental and physical health challenges, addiction issues, and homelessness.

Services offered include:

  • Mental health, addictions, and homelessness supports for youth aged 18 to 24 living in Toronto, York Region and Simcoe County

Lumenus offers a wide range of mental health, developmental, autism, and early years intervention services to children, youth, families and individuals in North York and Toronto.

Services offered include:

  • Counselling for families and individuals
  • Day treatment
  • Autism programs, available through referrals from Toronto Autism Services

A community hospital that offers outpatient children’s mental health services for children and youth 18 and under who live in North York. A doctor’s referral is required to access the hospital’s programs.

Services offered include:

  • Individual counselling
  • Group services
  • Day treatment

Rosalie Hall is an infant and early childhood mental health organization that supports pregnant and parenting youth aged 12 to 25, their children and their families.

Services offered include:

  • Community counselling
  • Parent groups
  • School programs
  • Outreach support
  • Live-in treatment for youth aged 12 to 19

A health network that includes three hospitals and eight satellite sites and offers programs and services designed to meet the needs of people living in Scarborough and the eastern GTA.

Services offered include:

  • Individual and family therapy for children and youth under 19 living in Scarborough, Pickering and Ajax
  • ADHD clinic

Strides Toronto is a multi-service agency that supports children, youth, their parents and families in East York and Scarborough with a wide range of programs and services.

Services offered include:

  • Prenatal and parenting support
  • Counselling
  • Day treatment
  • Autism services

A child and youth mental health centre that offers a range of services for children and youth aged 0 to 18 and their families.

Services offered include:

  • Mental health assessment and treatment
  • Outpatient services
  • Day treatment
  • Intensive in-home treatment

A children’s mental health centre that supports youth aged 12 to 24 and their families.

Services offered include:

  • Community counselling for youth aged 12 to 18
  • Intensive in-home support
  • Live-in treatment
  • Youth shelter for youth aged 16 to 24

Yorktown Family Services is a community service agency that supports children, youth and their families with a range of mental health treatments as well as an emergency shelter for women and their children. Services are typically offered to those living in Central Toronto West.

Services offered include:

  • Counselling
  • Walk-in clinic for children and youth up to age 29
  • Women’s shelter

Youthdale supports children, youth, young adults and families in Toronto who are dealing with complex mental health needs.

Services offered include:

  • Individual and family counselling for children and youth aged 6 to 18
  • Psychiatric and psychological consultations, accessible with a doctor’s referral
  • Acute support unit for children and youth under 16

Youthlink supports Scarborough youth aged 12 to 24 and their families with a range of services and programs.

Services offered include:

  • Ongoing counselling
  • Walk-in services
  • Transitional housing
  • Family support for youth under 18 who have a developmental disability

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